Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Long Post 2/24

The article “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence” raise some interesting ideas about heterosexuality is an institution of oppression within our society. Rich begins with article with a critique of four books. Each of these books were published with the intention of furthering understanding of the feminist movement. Rich proceeds to break down the argument of the books and demonstrate the ways in which they are subject to the institution of heterosexuality. Even when books are meant to benefit the feminist movement heterosexuality is so ingrained within our culture that it influences these writings. These writings often either entirely ignore the lesbian experience or they write as if lesbian sexuality and existence requires an explanation. It is interesting to note that through this lens the lesbian community becomes the abnormal or “the other”. Hardly ever in writing to authors find it necessary to justify or explain heterosexuality instead it is accepted as natural. Rich then presents the audience with a framework created by Kathleen Gough in which men deny women of their own choices in their sexuality. The eight categories of this framework are: to deny women sexuality, to force it, to command or exploit their labor to control their produce, to control or rob them of their children, to confine them physically and prevent movement, to use them as objects in male transactions, to cramp their creativeness, and to withhold them large areas of the society’s knowledge and cultural attainments. Most of these categories clearly fall into the force of heterosexuality upon women; even pornography which is considered consensual is focused upon a heterosexual lens. A perfect example is the wide variety of “lesbian porn” intended for male viewers. Women are often asked to play the part of the heterosexual female, even in jobs when gender should not have a part. Women are more likely to be hired if they know how to perform their sexuality correctly.
When women realize that they are trapped in a society where they must always perform their gender, they often turn to marriage. Here men have once again forced women into accepting heterosexuality because it is the only way to achieve economic equality. An attitude has developed in our society that is a type of “boys will be boys” sentiment, which allows men to get away with this forced heterosexuality. When women become victims of violence and slave trade people have begun to look to the women to analyze why she would have fallen into such a trap. This perspective completely excuses the man who perpetuated the act because men are seen as slaves to their sexuality. By saying men cannot control themselves in some ways all women become victims and subordinates to men. Female indoctrination of this heterosexual myth begins from a young age where in the media women are never seen to be happy unless they have a man by their side. This creates a mentality of a need for love, which overwhelms women and causes them not to resist the heterosexuality institution. Women continue to buy into this institution even when they try to fight it because often in their literature they refer to “most women” being heterosexual. Simply putting this phrase into the writing once again creates an other effect of the lesbian women. It is an essential step for all of society to stop treating heterosexuality as if it is a choice that one can make.
The lesbianism is not a newly emerging trend created out of bitterness towards men. To further this point Rich chooses to use the term “lesbian existence”. By calling it an existence classifies lesbianism as a lived experience. It is an act of resistance against compulsory heterosexuality, while at the same time getting to the truth of the experience. Lesbians have a long history filled with both victories and pain, but most of all it is filled with denial. Much of the Lesbian existence has been covered up by lost voices. These voices were lost either through punishment of those who spoke out or a merging of the lesbian voice with the homosexual male voice. Rich makes an interesting comparison of lesbianism with motherhood, describing it as a distinctly feminine experience and therefore resistant to blending with any male experience. In order to fight compulsory heterosexuality it is imperative that all women reclaim the lesbian experience throughout history. This is important for not only lesbian women, but also women who identify as heterosexual. This will help move away from a society where being heterosexual automatically mean that one is subordinated. It will help to remove the myth that women need men and therefore will always return to them ever when treated poorly. Once women are unafraid of acknowledging how much they need other women it will lead to a better place for both heterosexual and homosexual women.

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