Sunday, March 6, 2011

Short Post for 3/8

Since When is Marriage a Path to Liberation?

Many people have probably seen this but I figured it was relevant so I want to share it.
I saw this video a couple months ago and I thought it was really inspiring. I also saw Zach appear on the Ellen Degeneres show and I thought it was a really good that he got support from someone so public and respected.

Ettelbrick makes an interesting point that marriage won’t create equality because it will be separating married people from unmarried people which will hurt those who choose not to enter into marriage but still want to live together. I see what she’s saying but I still think that marriage equality for gays and lesbians is an important right and it will help make other changes in society. I don’t quite understand why she thinks that the institutional aspect of marriage is so bad. I wish she had explained that better.

Soldier in a Long White Dress

Vaccaro’s chapter was kind of annoying to me because I felt like she just kept listing all of her responsibilities and how much she had on her plate. It was like she was bragging to us and saying “look at how much I did and I succeeded at pretty much everything I tried.” The chapter was more about her personal accomplishments than what her groups actually accomplished or spoke about. I can see that she worked very hard but she portrayed herself as a martyr which took away from the experience of reading her work.

I like to read Perez Hilton’s blog and I found this article about president obama’s take on the defense of marriage act.
I don’t know how much of a difference this will make in the future, but I can only see it as a positive sign for same-sex couples.

As an addition to our discussion last week on bras, I saw this video on this weekend. I don’t exactly know how it works and I can’t imagine that its very comfortable to wear.

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